Law firms need to reconsider their IT budgets as AI and technology transforms how they resource and manage legal matters, write Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp | 1mo
Paul Longhurst is a director of 3Kites Consulting
Law firms need to reconsider their IT budgets as AI and technology transforms how they resource and manage legal matters, write Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp | 1mo
Not expecting suppliers to do all the running will pay dividends when it comes to solving problems, writes 3Kites’ Paul Longhurst | 3mos
Hiring a fractional project manager can help firms better execute their projects without having to create a permanent project manager position, writes 3Kites’ Paul Longhurst | 4mos
Firms should consider using project-specific RfPs when evaluating potential IT suppliers, write 3Kite’s Paul Longhurst and Kemp IT Law’s Richard Kemp | 5mos
Law firms continue to wrestle with how to adopt AI and the potential impact on their businesses, write Paul Longhurst, Jenni Tellyn and Richard Kemp | 8mos